+30 2421 102314
Payment Methods | ILLUSION ST WEAR
- Cash on delivery (You pay cash on receipt of your order. Cash on delivery costs 1.50 euros)
- By credit card (Transactions are protected by SSL-128 bit online security systems thus maintaining the highest possible level of security)
- With Paypal (Under strict transaction security requirements imposed by Paypal)
- By deposit in a bank account (Piraeus Bank)
- By credit card (Transactions are protected by SSL-128 bit online security systems thus maintaining the highest possible level of security)
- With Paypal (Under strict transaction security requirements imposed by Paypal)
- By deposit in a bank account (Piraeus Bank)
- By credit card (Transactions are protected by SSL-128 bit online security systems thus maintaining the highest possible level of security)
- With Paypal (Under strict transaction security requirements imposed by Paypal)
PIRAEUS BANK: IBAN : GR11 0171 2580 0062 5813 8005 100
Modification of the present terms: www.illusionstrwear.com reserves the right to modify or renew the terms and conditions of transactions. The Company undertakes to update this text for any change or addition to the terms.